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Ennio, the collective picture

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/85878212] His hand addressing the harp. The ensemble choir picking up to his voice. The collective picture delivered by music. The pathos, the romantic, the glorious, the deeply latin rooted, emotional score of millions of people. Last night in the ominous parisian Bercy hall, there was no film clip, yet cinema was everywhere. From Cinema … Continue reading

Nier, idiosyncratic love song

Here we go again. The current generation of game consoles is falling apart, as the pressure of upgraded warmachines is upon us. High price tags, bulky presentation, no white finish, and no proper games: SoSoft, I shall wait a couple of years or more and enjoy what I got on my hands. And while the … Continue reading

My Edith: a tribute from Jean Cocteau… and TheNightShift

Today, France celebrates the 50th anniversary of Jean Cocteau’s and Edith Piaf’s passing. The famous author gave the singer extraordinaire a role in the play “Le Bel Indifférent”, along with her then lover Paul Meurisse. To saluate their legacy, you will find a translated letter from Jean to Edith, which is a part of several commemorative events, … Continue reading

Nimrod Antal embraces Metallica’s chaos

Two days ago I was wondering what Nimrod Antal was up to lately. I checked up IMDB and saw his forthcoming film was… a Metallica fiction?! Then my good pal Dave asked If I cared to join him for a press screening. Hell yeah!  I’m a diehard Leonard Cohen fellow. A Springsteen addict. A Townes … Continue reading

Gay cowboys wandering the land: a short note on Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain

As Ang Lee’s recent Pi movie is hitting french theaters, I decided to write a little bit about how versatile and gifted this man is. Since the beginning of the 90’s, this director never stopped to amaze by its agility to move from one genre to another, while retaining a high degree of quality. A shapeshifter … Continue reading

Les amours de Baptiste et Garance: The Children of Paradise reborn

“And they traded away forever, wonder, for reason”. Samson’s monologue, Carnivale. “In our embrace I could hear the motion of the sea”. Ode to Messaline. After a long pause due to interesting developments, TheNightShift was invited in june at Pathé’s screening theater in Paris to attend the forthcoming 4k restored print  of Les Enfants du Paradis, previously … Continue reading

Comic Con Paris, day one: their motto, cosplayin’ now.

For my second day at the Comic Con & Japan Expo, I decided to focus on the now very popular act of cosplaying. French society has been under the rule of conformism and normalization. All the while videogames and popular japanese culture found a gap in the imagination of french teens, who were totally abandoned … Continue reading

Comic Con Paris, day zero: the hummin’ of the hammerin’

This is the first batch of a day-to-day series from the current edition of the french Comic Con & Japan Expo. Enjoy the pictures from the “set up” day. In order to enhance you viewing experience, please tune to California Stars by Wilco & Billy Bragg. TheNightShift July 2012.

The Million year picnic

From page 1, the nights have been different, and the cool winds too. Somehow people meet, yet remain strangers through. But your stories are still living, breathing dreams to many. Each night they’re falling asleep, to a wonderful metaphor, traveling and fantasy. Tonight the world over, is paying its due. And strangers become friends, thanks … Continue reading

Définitivement peut-être: A Summer tale

This year, french high schoolers who undertook the extra cinema course are very lucky. On the verge of summer, Conte d’Eté is the perfect film when you’re sixteen, about to eat the world, passer le bac  (national graduation at the end of high school), and hesitating upon many things in between. When Oasis‘ first record was released in 1995, french … Continue reading